Tompoma Crutch

crutches under the light backgroundSince ancient times man has carved staffs out of wood to walk with while suffering from leg injuries. Today these staffs – now called crutches – are constructed of wood or aluminum and make walking possible when you have an injured or unusable leg. A crutch is essentially a way of extending your arms to the ground so you can use them to help you walk and remain upright. They have been around and used for so long simply because they do the job they are meant for so well. In essence, they are an assistive device that allows one to ambulate when unable to use a leg.
Crutches are typically considered to be difficult-to-use torture devices that you are forced to use while healing from a leg injury. They cause pain to hands, wrist and shoulders. They are noisy, bulky, and usually end up scattered on the floor, tripping others or out of reach to the user while sitting in public places. The clinical gray aluminum crutches that are standardly given by hospitals and orthopedic clinics tend to carry a stigma of disability. Yet, to someone who depends on crutches for their ambulation and independence, crutches become the most valuable thing they own.

Wouldn’t be wonderful if these side effects of crutches could be eliminated for amputees and all disabilities that require full-time crutch use?

While there are a few companies making user-friendly custom crutches, the basic crutch has kept the same design for centuries. Having been a full-time crutch user for many years and still using crutches for some part of my daily life, having high-quality custom-built crutches has made a huge difference. My custom crutches alleviate many of the issues traditional crutches bring with them, and have allowed me to live my life with much less limitations. Indeed, I successful completed the St. Jude Warrior Dash on my one leg and my custom forearm crutches.

The problem is that custom crutches are not available to most crutch users. They come at a high cost and insurance companies won’t pay for anything other than a standard crutch.

img4Renato Brignone, a permanent crutch user, has invented the Tompoma Crutch, which is a comfortable modern crutch that addresses many of the side effects of using standard crutches. The Tompoma Crutch gives the user ability, and allows them to overcome the limits of their disability. The Tompma crutch is also good looking, practical, and can be customized to your personal style.

Tompoma wants make their revolutionary crutches available to all crutch users. You can help by contributing to Tompoma’s campaign to make these crutches accessible to everybody. Tompoma will donate crutches to ‘Emergency’. You will improve someone’s life while contributing to the company’s growth and business development, in order to make Tompoma accessible to everybody!

Help Tompoma overcome the limits of disability visit the following link. …